
How To Claim Free Sensorium NFTs And Buy More Using Polygon

Sensorium ArcJun 29, 2023

As we’re fast approaching our first drop (missed the details? no problem, read it all here), we’ve put together this short and easy-to-follow guide to help you get your hands on one of our exclusive NFTs.


- Top-up your balance: To enter the drop, you must have a minimum balance of 1,500 SENSO tokens. Transfer SENSO from any exchange to Metamask on the Ethereum blockchain and remember to do it before July 11.

- Claim your free NFT: Minting will be on July 18. If you’ve met the SENSO balance requirements, you get to claim one SENSO DAPP avatar for free! And while we all like freebies, our free claim will be on a first-come-first-served basis.

- Switch to Polygon, buy more! You might feel tempted to get more than one DAPP avatar. Thanks to our integration with Polygon, you can purchase more NFT avatars using your SENSO tokens with zero fees.

How To Claim A Free NFT Avatar

Step 1: Withdraw SENSO from any cryptocurrency exchange to your Metamask wallet. Fees may apply during this transaction.

Step 2: Once you open your Metamask wallet, you should see your updated SENSO balance. If you top-up your Metamask balance with at least 1,500 tokens before we take blockchain snapshots on July 11, your address will be whitelisted and you’ll be able to claim a free NFT token.

Step 3: On July 18, we will open the minting page, allowing whitelisted and non-whitelisted users to get hold of NFTs. If your address was whitelisted (as seen in the previous step), you’ll be able to claim one free NFT. If you want to purchase more avatars or didn’t meet the balance requirements to get your address whitelisted, you can still purchase NFT avatars using SENSO tokens.

How To Buy Sensorium NFTs On Polygon

It’s important to note that you do not need SENSO tokens on the Polygon network to claim free NFTs, just an address.

However, if you wish to purchase NFTs with SENSO tokens, then you will have to bridge SENSO from Ethereum to Polygon. To do so, we’ve created a smooth bridge that enables you to swap tokens effortlessly.

Step 1: Go to the SENSO DAPP website and click ‘About’ and scroll down to find the ‘Get SENSO on Polygon’ option.

Step 2: Select the amount you want to exchange and click “Switch chain”.

The site will automatically redirect you to Metamask and load your balance. Click 'Send' to verify the transaction and 'Confirm' on Metamask. After 30 minutes, you should see your updated SENSO balance reflected on the Polygon network. If you cannot see your SENSO balance on the Polygon network, you can manually import the token by adding the following address: 0x5Bf9496F0CD1f71C3353C3766F510772D7553b4f

See? We told you it would be easy. Thanks for following along and good luck!

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